Bad Chicken is an animated, talking friend for you to play with. You can...
★ Talk to him! ★
★ Poke Him! ★
★ Slap Him! ★
★ Spin Him! ★
★ Trip Him! ★
....and try to make him happy by feeding him.
But, Bad Chicken has an attitude problem. Dont push his buttons because he can be really bad!!
★★★★★★ HOW TO PLAY ★★★★★★
✓ Swipe his face to slap him
✓ Swipe his body to spin him
✓ Swipe his legs to trip him
✓ Tap his face to make him squawk
✓ Tap his wings to make them flap
✓ Tap his stomach to poke him
✓ Tap his feet (be careful...this makes him mad)
✓ Talk into the mic to make him talk back
✓ Open up the food bag to feed him when hes hungry
***Hint: Bad Chicken gets reaaalllyy mad when you press on the same body part repeatedly (Magic Number is 3).....
★★★★★★ FEEDBACK ★★★★★★
Please give us your feedback about Bad Chicken to keep the updates coming!
Twitter: @AppVenturous #BadChicken